
Are kids too young to learn coding?

Very interesting question that was widely asked and EdTech were criticised for asking kids to learn and pick up coding. I see this question is an interesting for any form of learning until a norm is formed or policy makes it optional to mandatory. I had this question is it necessary during course of engineering studies, why programming language for a non-computer science students? So far, I did a little bit of coding for education and nothing at work. Does it mean coding wasn’t required? or Coding isn’t about writing lines of code but skills one would develop. I realised the traditional approach of syllabus versus teaching that is often aimed at examination point of view missed the really essence of learning coding. I have done a bit to explore various views on coding. What do you think?

Would appreciate your thoughts on my tedx talk ‘The negative part of kids coding’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp72J0bywAI&t=11s

7 TEDx Talks and 7 takeaway

7 TEDx Talks and 7 takeaway for me are –
1) Hope is Hopeful
2) Participate in the moment, the moment will connect to past and future
3) Joy of sharing is to receive joy
4) Several ideas fail in mind, some in paper and none in reality
5) Be nice and cordial to fellow TED participant and organisers
6) Connect all the dots – work and people
7) Its your story and write the way you could
I would like to thank my parents, teachers, QtPi roboticsRaghunath AreSai Hruday MudamTEDx IMU VisakhapatnamTEDxUSMCTEDx SIESGSTTEDxsnsceTEDxMACETEDx IIESTShibpurTedxBalajiits@TEDxBITMwomen, Community, students and others for the constant support.

My 7th TEDx Talk
We are aware of the fact that the umbilical cord connects a baby in the womb to its mother. This runs from an opening to the baby’s stomach to the placenta in the womb. This helps to pass oxygen and nutrients from mother to baby. Soon after the birth, it is clamped and the cord is cut. This process is very important to allow them to grow independently. Otherwise, an uncut emotional umbilical cord can cause misery to the child and the mother, as it will hinder their individual growth. To know various virtual cords, listen to an eye-opener TEDxIIESTShibpur talk, Umbilical Cord – The cord that always remains
#TEDx #Talks Umbilical Cord #Cord #Virtual

Link to TEDxIIESTShibpur talk – Umbilical Cord

He in She; She in He: Gender that I didn’t know! @TEDxMACE

He in She; She in He: Gender that I didn’t know!

Self side of ‘me’ and self side of ‘others’ that is roller coaster ride! Because it has fear, rejection and afraid to face new challenges. This confusion was like understanding community and gender. Perhaps many go through such phase! Stories of inequalities have been doing rounds and will continue to do so. What if there was no gender classification like male & female? If this could be replaced with something more meaningful, what it could be? The solution to such arguments on equality is ‘facelift’, acceptance! I knew that I didn’t differentiate what gender someone is. Why did I do so? I knew that to understand oneself, one needs to embrace several things in life. Several things like appreciation, criticism, miscommunication, realign the relationships.


There is no gender free of another gender!


There is no gender is complete without the other! 

Stay tuned for the talk!

The event TEDxMACE was held on 19 Jan 2018 in beautiful campus of MACE Cochin, Kerala. Kudos to the team of TEDxMACE for brining out fresh ideas! My stay with them will remain memorable!