Mystery Interviews – Known Failures, Rare Success

We chat to understand – Why interviews process and end result at times remain a mystery?Sachin Kodagali, Ex- Yahoo and Microsoft employee and Author of BUGman. Sachin has over 15 years of experience in IT industry.

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BUGman 3

Bharath Kumar
Mr BUGman

Today we bring to you to an interview of our BUGman 3, Mr Bharath Kumar who shares his experience of being QA Engineer.

About your background / work

I am basically from Mangalore , Karnataka. I completed my B.E in Information Science and Engineering from Sahyadri College, Mangalore. I started working in Sevam Tech in 2013 , later worked in Wipro Technologies. Currently I am working as QA Automation engineer in Medlife International Pvt Ltd.

Key Things to Succeed in IT Industry

“Love your job but NEVER fall in love with your company”

Challenges for a tester

New automation frameworks, Rapid testing techniques and faster release of the products.

Where you see Testing field 5 years from now ?

Until development testing will be there. Manual testing scope will decrease in future.Quality is about how the company runs and delivers value and experience to its clients. QA is a perfect place from which to see how, who, and what gets done.

How does BUGman Book Help Aspiring Testers ?

This book will tell about environment in any organization. It will give overview of testers lives, key technical stuff. The gossip between employees and how they work with the managers in company is a very interesting part of the book.

What do u feel about Interview section in the Book – BUGman ?

In interview section, I liked the Author’s views. He mentions about politics inside the company. It happens in the most of the companies and it’s the fact. Other than that BUGman told about internal interview process, expected questions in interview and how interviewer will think about the candidates is also well highlighted.

How important is attitude, communication, innovation for a tester ?

Attitude : Tester needs to break the system in different ways. Break it is the attitude before the customer does.

Communication: Tester should able to communicate effectively to all the stakeholders across the life cycle, especially convince the Product to prioritize the bug and developer to fix it.

Innovation: In Software industry one has to update yourself every day. Innovation is the mantra to survive. As a tester one should need to know the latest technologies, tools available in the market for testing etc.

If you were to select an applicant as Q.A., how would you go about ? 

First round : Logical questions. It tells how fast candidate thinks about the problem.

Second round : Manual testing questions. Give candidate a real time scenario and expect him to cover various positive and negative test cases that shows if he thinks out of the box.

Third round : Probe into Automation framework and also ask analytical and behavioural questions.

Could you brief on the career path for Q.A.? 

QA professionals can move into other areas of the organization, PMs, Scrum master , Build and release engineer etc. They can also build on their testing skills and keep moving up the ladder.

Bug Us: If you have question to Mr. BUGman kindly comment. We would revert at the earliest.

~Happy BUGend~