Tech Mahindra Career: Interview with Dharagesh D

Dear Readers, Today we have Ever Smiling Dharagesh Dhamodharan, a campus recruited candidate. He is here to share his experience on Tech Mahindra campus drive, how he succeeded Tech Mahindra.

(Interviewer is the author of She: Ekla Cholo Re & BUGman)


Interviewer: Good afternoon Mr. Dharagesh! Tell me about yourself ?

Dharagesh: Good afternoon. I would like to begin with family first, dad is working as an Account Manager in TATA Groups and mother is an examination coordinator at Bharathiyar University. I have a sister, presently residing at Bengaluru with her family. My family is one thing that has been very supportive on the decisions I take. I wanted to be an Instrumentation Engineer hence I choose EIE because of passion that drew towards Robotics. Since EIE is a multidisciplinary, I found last nearly four years as roller coaster ride. I assume many would agree with this (smiles).

Interviewer: It’s good to hear that you don’t just listen to your heart but follow it as well. Why did you choose to apply to Tech Mahindra?

Dharagesh: (Smiles and thinks) The first thing I wanted to do is find a job before graduating. Otherwise it would be frustrating, buckling pressure from the society and peer would have been difficult to handle. I think humans crave for social identity (smiles). I just wanted to show to others ‘I’m capable’. Cracking the first company proved several right for me! (grins)

Interviewer: That’s straight from your heart. What were the different rounds conducted? Could you also share your experience on training phase?

Dharagesh: Well, Tech Mahindra Interview process was no less than roller coaster too! The first round was aptitude with mere luck as mathematics is something challenging but I enjoy verbal section of assessment. The second round was to look at an image and type a story. This round was a piece of cake walk, as I feel there is some journalism in me (laughs). The third and fourth round were Technical HR and General HR. I did struggle with coding question but it ended well. General HR was my cup of tea not coffee (smiles). I happen to challenge the HR that I would clear CAT and sit right beside him to interview someday. I see that dream is not far off! (smiles)

Interviewer: Thats a good to hear. What is /are take away from the process?

Dharagesh: Well, I happened to take up rather to know the value of patience since the recruitment process involved a day long waiting. I knew my weakness and strengthen, specifically to mathematics and coding (smiles). It was indeed memorable day but fell short to celebrate because two other friends didn’t make it through.

image-15Interviewer: Any suggestions for future aspirants?

Dharagesh: (Thinks) I believe that one need to show/present their abilities rather to sell oneself as a product. You should be able to tell people that you capable and could fit very well in their business requirements. Right words during interview could foster a healthy discussion. There is no escape of regular practice of aptitude. Attending regular aptitude could help in understanding the basics.

Interviewer: Appreciate your open answers that could help several readers. Thank you very much for the valuable time and information. Wishing you a great career ahead with Tech Mahindra

Dharagesh: Thank you too!

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